It goes without saying that 2020 has certainly felt a bit…off. It’s safe to say that all of us have been feeling the effects of the pandemic, from loneliness from not being able to see friends and family to lethargy from being cooped up in the house for months. During these unprecedented times, it is totally normal to experience a wide range of emotions and feel out of touch from reality, and we’re all just doing the best we can.

Here at Coal Creative, we’re right there with you. And while this year has definitely had its tough moments, it has also given us the opportunity to center ourselves and reflect on everything we have to be thankful for. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, our team shared some of the people, furry friends, and other things we are grateful to have.

“I am forever and a day grateful for these 5 individuals (picture of Holly’s sister and her children). My sister is my best friend and her children are my favorite people. They give me life, hope, and fill me with so much love.”- Holly, Coal Creative CEO

Holly’s sister and her children


“I am most thankful for my family – this year has been so challenging for so many reasons, but it helps remind me that family is most important. Things will come and go but my family is always there for me!”- Camaryn, Relationship Manager

Camaryn and her family
Camaryn and her family


“This has been the hardest year for me. On top of everything going on with the pandemic, in July I lost my grandmother. She was the matriarch of our family and we were extremely close. As the holiday season approaches, her loss is becoming more and more painful. It’s hard for me to even think about eating Thanksgiving dinner or listening to Christmas music without her. That’s why this year I am incredibly thankful for my family, who are experiencing this soul-sucking grief along with me and trying to make the best of things, my supportive friends who consistently check in with me to make sure I’m hanging in there, my boyfriend of 5 years Chris who gives me something to laugh and smile about each day, and my wonderful pets who remind me that life goes on, but it’s still filled with great things.”- Samantha, Content Manager & Design Specialist

Samantha and her boyfriend, Chris
Samantha and her boyfriend, Chris


“I’m thankful for my friends, my job at Coal Creative, and my daughter (dog) Shadow.”- Matt, Lead Web Developer & Lead Designer

Matt and his dog, Shadow
Matt and his dog, Shadow


“I’m grateful for my family and friends, the great outdoors, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”- Jordan, Video Production Specialist

Jordan and his wife, Kamri
Jordan and his wife, Kamri


“Right now I’m thankful for my cat, Marley. We raised her from the time she was a few days old, bottle feeding and everything. She’s got a real attitude problem sometimes, but for the most part she’s a great cat.”- Alex, Production Manager

Alex's cat, Marley
Alex’s cat, Marley


“I am thankful for music keeping me sane during the pandemic and I’m looking forward to playing shows again!”- Travis, Web Developer

Travis and his band mates in Toothless
Travis and his band mates in Toothless


“2020 has had its highs and lows for me. While I’ve had some unfortunate moments this year, I’ve also experienced a lot of personal growth. Being in quarantine with limited social interaction has taught me to be comfortable with being alone, and the time I do get to spend with my friends is more special now. I am incredibly thankful for the relationships I’ve formed this year, as well as the existing relationships I’ve strengthened. My boyfriend and I also bought our first home this year and adopted a dog, an 8 year old golden chow named Maple! 2020 started as one of my worst years but ended as one of my best.”- Bri, Content Specialist

Bri's dog, Maple
Bri’s dog, Maple


“I’m thankful for my friends, family, music, and Woody the beagle.”- Will, Post-Production Manager

Will's dog, Woody
Will’s dog, Woody


“I’m thankful for my best bud Walnut, who just gets me, and for my incredible family, both at home and at Coal Creative.”- Sam, Creative Director

Sam's dog, Walnut
Sam’s dog, Walnut


“I’m thankful for celebrations and my corgi companion, Wallace.”- Jeremy, Project Manager

Jeremy and Wallace
Jeremy and Wallace


Today, take a moment to reflect on all that you have to be thankful for, and let your loved ones know how much you appreciate them. In these times, a kind word can make a world of difference.

Until next time, Stay Coal <3

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