Travis Antoniello

travis antoniello
Web Developer & Technology Specialist
Travis puts the nuts and bolts around our clients’ visions. As one of our technical experts, he builds websites and helps the team with back-end operations.
Travis first crossed paths with Coal Creative team members Sam and Matt when he was in college. Sam referred him to a job as a lead virtual reality designer at a local business, VR Guest where he used virtual reality cameras to create tours for businesses and real estate agents.
He has an Associate of Applied Science degree in music recording technology, but otherwise, he’s self-taught. His programming and web development expertise comes from countless deep dives studying the pros and online tutorials. After all, you can find anything on the internet.
Travis performs with metal bands Toothless and Sleepsculptor. In his spare time, he composes music, plays and creates video games, cooks and watches documentaries. When he’s trying to escape all the technology in his life, he enjoys nature and likes camping and hiking.
Instagram: @snowblxnd