
bring your
vision to life.

If you have an idea for your next big video project—or are looking for that spark of inspiration—we have the power to make you something special.

effective videos, made just for you.

Most brands are using video as the main driver of their digital marketing strategy and there’s a reason—it works. High-quality videos are more engaging, drive more conversions, and offer more opportunities for social sharing. Oh, and they’re a blast to work on together!

a recipe for
captivating content.

top-tier visuals

Our award-winning team of writers, directors, and editors comes together to produce Hollywood-quality content that, quite frankly, looks awesome.

top-notch storytelling

We may wow audiences with the latest tools and techniques, but we never forget the most important part of any video: the story it’s aiming to tell.

top-to-bottom service

Whether you’re halfway through or just getting started, we’re ready to jump on board, wear every hat, and take you from initial idea to polished project.

skillful execution,
every step of the way.

Our expert creatives can handle all the groundwork, filming, and post-production for any video format: commercials, documentaries, animated shorts, or that viral-in-the-making social campaign. You name it, we’re on it.

storyboarding & scripting

Before anyone yells “ACTION,” we go through a collaborative shot-by-shot planning process to guarantee your message comes across. During this brainstorming phase, we channel your passion and listen to your ideas, while bringing plenty of our own to the table.

green screen filming

A green screen enables you to film talking head interviews, create out-of-this-world FX, or do just about anything else you can imagine. Take advantage of our studio in Wilkes-Barre, PA, or use our mobile green screen setup for the ultimate flexibility in concept and design.

on-location filming

Across town, around the world, or anywhere in between—we’re always prepared to travel for the best footage. With an on-set video production team primed to manage setup, shooting, and tear-down, we’re ready to meet you wherever you’re at.

drone videography

If you want dynamic action shots and sky-high perspectives, you need a drone. Flown by a certified drone pilot, our high-quality aerial cameras can capture 4K footage from every angle, turning even the simplest concept into a cinematic masterpiece.

post-production editing

It doesn’t matter how striking your shots are; if the editing feels off, your audience will notice. Our award-winning in-house editing team skillfully pieces together your primary footage, B-roll, and audio effects to create a powerful, cohesive final cut.

effects & motion graphics

Once you’re satisfied with your edited sequence, it’s time to sprinkle on the finishing touches. We elevate your already-dazzling product with eye-catching visual elements in post-production, including 3D modeling, motion graphics, animated text, and more.

meet the video team.

bring your vision
to the big (or small) screen.

If you’re ready to get the ball and the cameras rolling, drop us a line.
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