Why Audio Is 50% Of Your Video Quality

Picture your favorite movie. Unless it’s a silent film, the genre isn’t really important. Now, imagine if the audio was echoey, distorted, or unintelligible—it’d be hard to follow what characters are saying and make sense of the plot, wouldn’t it?

Unfortunately, many companies are producing videos with similarly subpar audio quality, negatively affecting their reputations. A recent survey even found one in four people are less likely to trust a brand if the audio in their ads is simply low volume—let alone tinny, riddled with static, or hard to make out [1].

Audio production is half the battle of crafting superb movies, clips, and ads. Here, we’ll lay down some tips from Northeast Pennsylvania’s (NEPA’s) premier production authorities for capturing and mastering crisp, clear audio for your video productions.

The Importance of Clear Audio

People crave superlative sound across all aspects of life. When quizzed about purchasing headphones and speakers, the number one concern among consumers is high audio quality [2]. Likewise, the amount of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) videos on YouTube—essentially, extremely high-quality audio clips of different activities—quintupled from 2016 to 2022 [3].

When it comes to the videos you post to social media, circulate as advertisements, or otherwise share with your fans and followers, clean, intelligible audio is essential as:

  • It lets your viewers hear your message loud and clear with no miscommunication.
  • It instills a sense of trust in your audience.
  • It adds to the overall experience of your video, boosting your viewers’ perception without changing the plot, effects, or visual qualities of your clip.

If audio production is so crucial for your videos, then the question remains: How can you capture the purest, fullest sound possible on your next shoot?

Tried and True Tips for Enhancing Audio Quality During Recording

As our Post-Production Manager William McHale notes, audio quality is more often about what you don’t hear rather than what you do:

“Clear dialogue, powerful music, and realistic sound effects can greatly enhance the impact and quality of your video. Ironically, great audio is usually the audio that goes unnoticed. When audio is done correctly, the viewer is able to become fully immersed in what they are viewing, and they’re free from distractions.”

Will’s sentiment leads us to our first tip: eliminate all forms of background noise and audio interference. With the sensitivity of modern, high-quality microphones, even the slightest hum could make its way into your tracking. So, be sure to:

  • Power down all computers
  • Switch cell phones to Silent mode
  • Work in a soundproof space when possible

Microphone placement and proximity are also top concerns when recording. The further your mic is from the source of (desired) sound, the more likely it is to pick up unwanted noises. 

Ideal microphone placement generally lands between a few centimeters and half a meter (about 20 inches) away from the speaker. This results in a tight sound with less external leakage making its way onto the recording [4]. 

Equipment quality is another issue to keep in mind during video and audio production. However, gear only goes so far without the head for using it, as Will says about high-end equipment: 

“There’s no denying that professional-grade equipment can bring the most professional results, especially in terms of durability, reliability, consistency, and fidelity. With that being said, the end user’s professional background, experience, and skills can go just as far in getting a high-quality result.”

While expensive equipment will undoubtedly capture better audio, without professional operation, it won’t be utilized to its full potential. So, if you’re going to spend the money investing in a magnificent mic, you should likewise spend the time to learn to use it. 

That doesn’t just apply to recording equipment, either, and extends to the software and machines you use to mix and master your audio as well.

How to Improve Audio in Post-Production

Capturing audio is only the start of delivering superlative sound. After your shoot is done, you’ll need to spend time in the studio working out the kinks and sonic inconsistencies in your tracks. To optimize the final sound of your recordings [5]:

  • Filter out background noise – Many editing programs contain pre-installed plugins, which can identify and remove unwanted ambient noise from your recordings. Put this feature to the test next time you’re mastering a video for optimal clarity.
  • Cover up unwanted sounds – If your editing software can’t pick out the noise you’re trying to eliminate, cover it up instead. Light background music, sound effects, or any other ambient noise can make quick work of masking stubborn sounds.
  • Limit your volume range – Audio that seesaws between screams and whispers is an off-putting, ear-irritating experience. Use compression, limiting, and normalization software to keep volume levels within a reasonable, comfortable range. 

Anyone looking to refine their mixes will discover countless software platforms, tools, and techniques for mastering incredible audio. There are so many, in fact, that audio specialists commit years of schooling and their entire careers to studying the field. Unfortunately, that knowledge can prove as challenging an entry barrier to newcomers or businesses looking to up their content game as equipment costs—if not more.

So, if you want someone who’s already put in the work behind the mic and mixing board to master your marketing ads and social media videos, collaborate with Coal Creative on your next project. 

Achieve Optimal Audio by Shooting and Mastering with Coal Creative

Sometimes, it’s simpler to call in professionals with years of experience to achieve the best audio and video production results.

As both a creative agency and marketing agency, Coal Creative can handle all your video needs from ideation to shooting and, of course, mixing the cleanest, purest audio you’ve ever laid ears on. From Spielberg-status direction behind the camera to Michael Bay-esque quality cuts in post-production, we’re here to elevate your video and audio quality to silver screen levels.

Request a proposal from Coal to hear the difference professional audio capture and mastering make. 


[1] “Poor quality audio ads can make brands seem untrustworthy to podcast listeners, report says.” British Podcast Awards. February 20, 2024. [Online] Available: https://britishpodcastawards.uk/. Accessed June 27, 2024. 

[2] “The State of Sound  Report 2021.” Qualcomm. [Online] Available: https://www.qualcomm.com/. Accessed June 27, 2024.

[3] “How many ASMR channels, ASMRtists, and ASMR videos are on YouTube?.” ASMR University. April 26, 2022. [Online] Available: https://asmruniversity.com/. Accessed June 27, 2024.

[4] “Microphone Placement.” Simon Fraser University. [Online] Available: https://www.sfu.ca/. Accessed June 27, 2024.

[5] “What I learned from trying to fix my audio in post.” Videomaker. [Online] Available: https://www.videomaker.com/. Accessed June 27, 2024.

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