We’ve wrapped “easy” in quotes here because even though they can be “easy” – being consistent with them isn’t.

Getting your business online can be overwhelming.

With over a million different things to consider – where do you begin?

We’re here to help simplify it. We’ve hand picked 5 “Easy” Ways to Bring Your Business Online.

Let’s get started being in the right place, at the right time – on purpose.


1. Be where they are.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

Are you looking for e-mail? Checking Facebook notifications?

Future customers are checking their e-mail and Facebook too.

Wherever your customers are – is where you need to be.

Focused email blasts, an updated website, Facebook campaigns, or an active Instagram are all solid example of places you can be to get in front of customers.

Be everywhere, but focus the most on being where your customers find themselves.

If they can see you, they will think of you when they need whatever you offer.

You might even be lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time at the exact moment they need you.

But where do you need them?


2. Get customers to where you need them.

They found you, but are customers getting to where you need them?

Humanize your copy, and simplify your layout – let it guide them.

Try to avoid sales-ridden language, or busy pages that will confuse someone using your website.

But most importantly, if there’s a page you want them spending their time, get them there as quickly and easily as possible.

If you aren’t sure where users going, use Google Analytics to find out.

Google is a huge resource – but you have to play their way sometimes.


3. Be mobile-responsive.

Being mobile responsive is practically considered a new requirement. And it’s something that will dramatically affect your customer’s experience.

On average there are over 40,000 Google search queries- every single second. So it’s safe to assume your customers are using Google to look for services like yours.

Since everyone needs everything done immediately— they’re searching from their phone the moment they think about it.

Google is interested in customer experience too, and your search results are Google’s #1 product.

If someone is searching from a mobile device, it’s in Google best interest to give priority to websites that are currently mobile responsive.

A website that is not mobile responsive, will see a dramatic decline in Google rankings with users on mobile devices when they search.

This mobile responsive stuff has quickly become a key factor in search engine optimization.

But how do you customers feel about your product?


4. Use customer reviews.

Reviews illustrate exactly what your customers are feeling firsthand.

This is free business advice.

Reviews will tell you in plain language what you are doing wrong, and what you could be doing better.

Sometime reviews tell you what you’re doing right – do more of that!

It’s easy to add customer reviews to your site, but unfortunately it’s even easier to overlook the value in them.

After you have taken all this great advice from real people using your product – what could you do next?


5. Stay active.

It’s not easy as it seems – you need to revisit steps 1, 2, 3, and 4, over and over again.

Pay attention to what your customers are saying, stay up to date, revisits your site design to see where it’s taking them, be where your customers can find you – and repeat.

We all get busy, but this stuff is really important.

If it means setting a schedule, or contracting it out, you’ll see the difference.

Have any questions?

We’re always here to help.

It doesn’t need to be complicated.

It doesn’t ever need to be expensive.

Focusing on these 5 “Easy” Ways to Bring Your Business Online will make a huge difference.

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