Throughout 2017, we are working with our interns to highlight 52 Creatives from the NEPA region. We believe creativity is a broad term that cannot be easily confined within the walls of one simple definition. We want to know what being creative means to you and how you bring that creativity to light.​

Ashley Evert is our sixteenth #NEPACreative of 2017. Ashley brings creativity to the area through her work with hair.

Ashley didn’t always have so many creative color clients. She told us that, “I was the 12 year old kid dying my hair with Manic Panic in my bathroom to look cool at punk shows.” So, she always had the itch for creative color, but also did her fair share of highlights, root retouches, and gel manicures.

Ashley explained how her college education has contributed to her success and has allowed her to “promote myself organically through social media, facilitate crystal clear communication with my clients so there are no issues during their appointments, and empathize with people of different backgrounds.” She offers gender neutral pricing and has a zero-tolerance policy for any kind of prejudice or bigotry, which reflects her personality and beliefs.

Ashley mentioned that one of her biggest role models is a stylist by the name of @andrewdoeshair on Instagram who wrote a book that changed the way she views the hair industry. She went on to say that, “I am a smarter stylist and a better business person because of him.”

One of Ashley’s greatest inspirations is her friend, Ruby Devine. Ashley told the story of how Ruby gave her a 6 hour color correction even after working a full day in the salon and continued to say, “Ruby really has changed my life both with her technical skill and her friendship. I wouldn’t have attracted the clientele I have now without her help. I am inspired by her and grateful for her.”

In her free time, Ashley does some freelance design work (recent: custom calligraphy for wedding invitations), watches everything on Netflix that her clients tell her about, and works on her knitting from time to time. Ashley also wanted to say that, “I’d just like to encourage any young creative folks out there to follow their gut. You may have to work three jobs at first to make ends meet. You may have to do a ton of root retouches. Eventually, you’ll get your unicorns and mermaids.  With enough dedication and passion, you can make your creativity your career.”

If you or someone you know is an NEPA Creative, please let us know by filling out the submission form or send us an email at

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