The annual fall District 2 Leadership Conference is upon us, and this year, Coal Creative is proud to sponsor the livestream of the event! The conference, brought to you by the American Advertising Federation of Northeast Pennsylvania, brings together all of the chapters in the District 2 region– New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Washington, DC. The purpose of the conference is for leaders from District 2 to meet and discuss ways to strengthen and boost the missions of each chapter. Pretty cool, right?

This year, Coal Creative’s very own Samuel O’Connell will be part of the panel “Video as a Means of Telling Your Club’s or Organization’s Story,” alongside several other prominent creators within our creative community. “I’m really excited to be on the panel with a few of my local video production heroes,” Sam says. “As Creative Director, I collaborate with the various teams at Coal Creative. From web development, social media marketing, to PR, graphic design and strategy — But the power of storytelling through video will always be my first love.”

At Coal Creative, we are always grateful for new opportunities to expand our horizons and get involved with our community. We love our local AAF chapter and hope to partner with them again in the future! To learn more about the AAF of NEPA, visit

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