Welcome back! How was your holiday season? We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy, especially after the year we’ve had!
Here at Coal Creative, we’re so thankful that we were able to enjoy a nice, relaxing holiday break amidst all of the craziness of 2020. Now that the holiday season is over, we’re back feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the year ahead! However, we know that this time of year can ignite the January blues for so many people, often making it difficult to feel motivated and inspired.
To help make this time of year a little easier to cope with, the Coal Crew has compiled a list of some of our favorite ways to combat the winter blues and find little slices of happiness during even the coldest days.
Set Monthly Goals
“Typically, I start to feel more anxious and depressed in January. The post-holiday crash and the lack of sunshine on top of everything else make it easy for me to start to feel a little down. To combat this, I like to keep a ‘goal’ journal. I pick about 10-15 things I’d like to do or try this month. When I start to get into a slump, I pull out this journal and pick something. It can be as small as reading a new book or doing a puzzle to larger things, like trying a new recipe, starting a new DIY or design project, or (safely) visiting somewhere new. Having a list of fun things to try helps keep me excited and gives me ideas for those days when I feel like I want to do nothing.” –Samantha, Content Manager & Design Specialist
Indulge in Self-Care
“I’m a big advocate of self-care, especially during this time of year. One of my favorite things to do after a long day is take a nice, hot bath, light some candles, and listen to a podcast. Afterwards, I put on my comfiest pajamas and cozy up on the couch with some wine and chocolate. Every year, my mom and I watch The Bachelor together (cheesy, I know). Since we can’t watch it together this year, we text or FaceTime during the show instead. Creating little self-care rituals like that is how I personally stay sane and make time for myself.” –Bri, Content Specialist
Slow Things Down
“I prefer to lean into the slowness of the winter. The hibernation effect. Taking the time to reset. Slowing my life, my movement, my breath. Creating a foundation for the year, reflecting on the year that just passed. Checking in on my mental, physical, and spiritual health. I take the time to regain control of various aspects of my life, purge my surroundings, saying goodbye and thank you to what has served me while welcoming all that is yet to come with a refreshed, clear state of mind.” –Holly, Coal Creative CEO
Create Small, Meaningful Moments For Yourself
“I love to plan little things every week that I can look forward to. With the pandemic it certainly complicates things but it doesn’t have to be a big outing! Sometimes it’s as simple as having a designated movie night or cooking a meal I am really excited about. I have also been using the studio BE platform a lot which helps with the winter blues!” –Camaryn, Relationship Manager
Enjoy the Great Outdoors
“My advice for dealing with long cold Pennsylvania winters is to take up a winter sport. I’ve been snowboarding for 18 years and it’s the most fun, relaxing, meditative activity I’ve ever found. Plus, it’s an excellent workout. Once you get hooked on a winter sport, you’ll be watching the weather reports just hoping for snow. It gives you something to look forward to and really helps with the winter blues. If you’ve never tried it, find a friend who has or take a professional lesson to get started. Thank me later!” –Will, Post-Production Manager
Nurture Your Creative Side
“During this time of year, I always try to find some big design project to keep me busy and feeling creative. Because of the times, I’ve doubled down on that this year and added recording music. Me and my band have been working on our debut album in my makeshift home studio while I simultaneously create the album artwork. It’s kept me out of a slump and looking forward to a few months from now when the weather breaks. Hopefully things are a bit more normal by then and we can finally release our music!” –Matt, Lead Web Developer & Lead Designer
Try to Stay Active
“Find a physical activity that cold weather doesn’t interfere with. Wilkes-Barre has a great rock climbing gym. It’s a fun way to stay active, and great for both introverts and extroverts. You can socialize or just do your own thing, either way it’s an incredible workout.” –Alex, Production Manager
Embrace the Quiet Moments
“Despite the painful cold, I’ve learned to embrace winter as a time of quiet contemplation. In terms of maintaining a good mental space, even when the weather hurts, I find there’s no substitute for getting outside for physical activity. Walking the dog and running rarely fails to warm my spirit for the day, even if it takes a painful while afterward to warm my body.” –Jeremy, Project Manager
Spend (Virtual) Time with Friends
“I’m luckily accustomed to hanging out with my friends virtually, playing games and chatting together online. One of my favorite games I’ve picked up during the pandemic is Factorio – it’s a casual, relaxing game about building factories.” –Travis, Web Developer
Stick to A Routine
“While I’ve always believed that nothing beats a Pennsylvania summer, during the colder months it’s hard to feel creative or inspired. My “word” for 2021 is routine. For me, planning time to devote to creativity helps cultivate those hard to find feelings. When that doesn’t work, hopping onto Xbox Live and connecting with my brothers is one of the next best things.” –Sam, Creative Director
Trade the City for the Wilderness
“Since things get a bit grayer in the city during wintertime, what helps me most is to spend some time in the woods and take in all the muted colors and calming quietness that only a Pennsylvania winter can offer.” –Jordan, Video Production Specialist
We hope that these tips will help inspire you to go easy on yourself this time of year. Whether it’s taking a relaxing bath, going on a long walk, or simply taking a few moments out of your busy day to check in with yourself, find what works for you and brings you peace. You deserve it <3