At Coal Creative, we love our interns. Over the years, we have watched our interns blossom into confident, capable young adults and venture out into the world with the knowledge they gained during their time here. In fact, our Social Media & Design Specialist, Samantha, was once an intern at Coal Creative before accepting a permanent position on the team! Needless to say, we take pride in helping our interns develop their talents so that they feel ready to take on the world.

Starting an internship program at your company can be mutually beneficial, as your interns will be able to gain firsthand work experience in a fast-paced environment, and you will have extra hands on deck to help with anything that needs to get done. If you’re thinking about starting an internship program at your company, here are just a few benefits to get the ball rolling.

Create a Larger Pool of Talent

When a position needs to be filled within a company, it’s standard procedure for many employers to post a job listing on websites like Indeed, Monster and ZipRecruiter. However, having a strong pool of former interns to choose from can make the process of searching for new talent that much easier, as you have already built relationships and worked alongside them for a significant period of time. By maintaining a consistent internship program at your company, you will be able to build a catalog of strong talent should a permanent position become available.

Increase Visibility for Your Company

Starting an internship program is a great way to gain visibility for your company, especially on college campuses. Most students need to complete an internship before they graduate, so making a name for yourself at your local colleges is a great way to increase visibility and get students lining up for interviews! Many colleges and universities host career fairs each semester, allowing local businesses to come and talk with students about open positions at their respective companies. Attending these kinds of events can expose you to tons of undiscovered talent while also increasing visibility for your company.

Improve Company Culture

You may not realize it, but the right team of interns can help improve your company’s culture in several ways. Once properly onboarded and trained, interns can help lighten the load of your employees by taking on certain tasks and responsibilities. Tasking interns with daily to-do lists can give them a sense of purpose and make them feel like they are truly part of the team, rather than just going on coffee runs or making copies. Additionally, interns often bring a youthful energy to the table, which can be great for lifting everyone’s spirits and improving the overall culture of your company.

We’re always looking for the best and brightest talent in NEPA. If you’re interested in an internship with Coal Creative, visit We can’t wait to meet you!

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