Owning a small business can be both incredibly rewarding and overwhelming at times. Whether you own a restaurant, boutique, or Etsy shop, establishing a strong online presence is essential to getting the word out about your business. Northeastern Pennsylvania is full of small businesses, but the ones that really seem to stick are also the ones that have learned to use social media to their advantage. At Coal Creative, we have helped many small businesses get their feet wet in the realm of social media (to check out our portfolio, click here!)

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn have proven to be game-changers for small businesses, as these outlets allow you to promote your goods and services for free. Even if you choose to use social advertising, you will likely be spending less money than if you were to opt for more traditional forms of advertising. If you’re wondering how you can use social media to your advantage, here are the top 5 benefits of social media for small businesses.

Establish Your Brand 

One of the biggest benefits of social media is that it allows small businesses to establish their brand to a wide audience. Small businesses can organically grow a following through social media by posting regularly and sharing things like behind the scenes photos, customer testimonials, and other kinds of posts that really showcase a brand’s message and voice. One of Coal Creative’s clients, Legacy in a Glass, has seen success on social media by letting their followers in on the day-to-day happenings within their business, giving them a competitive edge over similar companies.

Better Customer Service

Establishing a social media presence can also improve a small business’s customer service. Many consumers, particularly Millennials and Gen Zers, opt to reach out to brands via social media rather than an 800 number, making social media a powerful tool that can be used to provide fast and effective customer service. Being engaged and responsive on social media is a great way to build trust with customers and set your small business apart from competitors.

Improve Organic Search Results

Creating engaging, relevant content on your social media platforms can have a significant impact on your business’s organic search results. Businesses who frequently put out shareable and informative content have a better chance of ranking higher in search engine results like Google, meaning your small business can have domain authority over similar businesses who may not have as strong of a social media presence.

Cost Effective

The cost-effectiveness of using social media as a way of advertising is just one of the many reasons you should be building a social media presence for your small business. Instagram has proven to be one of the strongest tools for many businesses, as it allows you to share photos and videos of a product and reach a wide audience without costing an arm and a leg. If you do decide to utilize social media advertising, you’ll still be spending less money than you would be if you took out a billboard or radio ad. Most small business owners don’t have a huge budget in the early stages of their business, making social media an affordable and effective advertising option.

Appear More Human

Connecting with your audience on a human level can be an incredibly powerful tool, and maintaining a strong social media presence can help you do that. Through your social media posts you can share your company’s story, post behind the scenes shots, and show appreciation for your team. Giving your followers a peek into the daily workings of your business will humanize you in a way that seems natural, not forced.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Trust Coal Creative to help you with all things social media, from content creation to account management — Check out the form below!



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