Wow, What a Week! is a weekly blog highlighting our weeks at CoalCreative in all their wonderful, crazy glory. Check back every Friday to see what we’re up to week to week!

I can’t even believe that come this time next week we will be in May and, hopefully, past all of the April showers (I mean, I guess they’re better than the April snow though, right?). But for CoalCreative, April flew by because of all the awesome things we got to do this month. In the last five days even, we have been extremely busy, spending most of our time out of the office. On Monday, Sam got to do a photo shoot for The Woodlands highlighting the vast selection of tequilas for their tequila bar that launches next weekend. We finished Monday by having our weekly team meeting down at Franklin’s next door where we got to not only talk about all the exciting things coming up for May, but got to sit outside for the first time of 2018 and enjoy some delicious food.

Tuesday took Holly and I to the ATHENA Panel Luncheon. We both left feeling inspired and empowered by the words of the four strong female professional leaders in our area. Will spent Wednesday afternoon at American Paper Bag for the second Engage! town hall. Wednesday night split the Coal team in half, with Will, Sean and Jonah in the office live streaming NEPA Scene and Matt, Sam, and Holly supporting Gerard at the TECBridge Business Plan Competition finals. Thursday was a really cool day because Holly, Sam and I got to participate in Community Reading Day, getting the opportunity to give back to our community by reading to second grade students at Dodson Elementary. Thursday night, I got the chance to go to the Wilkes-Barre Connect Level Up! Spotlight event at the THINK Center. My favorite part was seeing the faces of the video spotlights light up when they saw the incredible videos created by Will, including the cartoon avatars he made of each of them. Friday, Sam got the chance to work with The United Way of Wyoming Valley for the second time this week, and shot a video of their Real Men Read campaign.

Throughout the week, we finalized a ton of video projects we had been working on, including video work for Signallamp, PlanGuru, Riggs Asset Management and Special Guest App as well. We’re excited to get these videos approved so that our clients can share them with the world.

Stay Coal,


Tequila Photo Shoot at the Woodlands

ATHENA Panel Luncheon

Engage Shoot at American Paper Bag

TECBridge Business Plan Competition Finals


Battling the sun to get a photo outside Dodson Elementary on Community Reading Day


Sam films for The United Way Real Men Read campaign

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