Hello everyone! My name is Juliana Buonsante and I am the business development intern here at Coal Creative this summer. With all of the hustle and bustle of the work week, I will be keeping you updated on some of the fun stuff our team is up to!
A few weeks ago, our drone pilot, Alex Manganella shot some footage around The Accelerator for Kristopher B. Jones. Check out the amazing creature he spotted!

Then later that night, our Directors attended Wilkes-Barre’s POWER June Event at Canteen Park sponsored by The Times Leader, Discover NEPA, and Tequila Avion. With great drinks, food, and people, Holly Pilcavage and Sam O’Connell had a wonderful evening of networking.

Our video boys, Will McHale and Alex Manganella shot footage the following morning for our friend Rick, of Rosenn Jenkins & Greenwald LLP.

That Thursday, our team also ran the Social Media Challenge at the 2019 SLIP Internship Seminar located at the THINK Center in downtown Wilkes-Barre. Interns Sami Amato and myself lead the sessions with the assistance of our Director of Operations and Business Development, Holly Pilcavage. Student interns from all over NEPA gathered together for this event to develop their professional skills and engage with area employers and resources. Our Social Media Challenge was a huge success, providing PA CareerLink with four creative and engaging posts for their Facebook page.

We ended the week on Friday by grabbing some final footage of the Healthy MOMS program. This program allows moms-to-be have access to a full spectrum of services to help jump start their lives in recovery and deliver happy, healthy babies. This is made possible through the engagement of community partners in the healthcare, social services, education, and legal sectors.

That’s all the excitement we had that week! I’ll keep you posted with all that’s to come.
Stay Coal,