Keeping up with the Coal Crew | January 2022

The calendar — filled with holidays and season changes — is a big influence on what we talk about each month in this space. Traditionally — or maybe stereotypically— new year’s resolutions are a major topic in January. This makes sense as we’re a goal-oriented, forward-looking group.

Instead of sharing full resolutions, we’re setting our intentions for 2022. We asked the Coal Crew to share one word that they are focusing on this year. Here’s what is pushing our team forward.

Video Specialist Jay Nguyen is focusing on the word opportunity this year.

“Sometimes when faced with a challenge, an opportunity will almost always present itself!” Jay said “The best kind are ones that allow you to make room for improvement and growth. My overall goal is to embrace change and see what doors it opens!”

“My word this year is comfort,” said Creative Director Sam O’Connell. “Not like a warm comfy blanket comfort — but comfort in the adulty stuff like finances and comfort in this carcass I am blessed to wake up in every day.”  

Sam also has some thoughts about comfort as it relates to his new robo-desk.

“I recently got a standing desk which seems to be making most people uncomfortable in the office … but hey, they can choose their own word,” Sam concluded.

“My word for 2022 is build,” said Holly K. Pilcavage, CEO. “I want to continue to build on the foundations I have been laying for myself the last two years, including my personal relationships, my finances, my business and my connection with self.”

Production Manager Alex Manganella contributed the word consistency

“I’ll be working on a slow and steady approach toward my goals this year,” said Alex.

In a similar vein, Lead Web Developer and Designer Matt Simoncavage added the word balance

“My word for 2022 is present.” Operations & Business Development Manager Camaryn Lokuta said. “Last year was filled with SO MANY amazing moments but I feel like I was not actually present for any of them. My mind is always focused on the next thing and not the current moment. This year I am vowing to slow down and actually soak up the amazing moments that 2022 has to offer.” 

Jesse Macko, our Social Media Specialist, selected compassion and focus as his words of the year.

“I want to focus on the goals I want to accomplish this year, but be compassionate to myself if I don’t quite meet my expectations! It’s all about progress,” explained Jesse. 

“My word for this year will be appreciation,” said Post-Production Manager Will McHale. “The past two years or so have shown everyone that life rarely goes as planned, and we don’t always get to have or do the things we want when we want them. I think it’s an important time to learn to accept the things that I can’t change, and to appreciate all that I have.”

Content Director Samantha Bucher is using her intention for 2022 to pursue a specific goal.

“My word is growth,” Samanatha said “This year, my goal is to grow as a person and grow into my goals and intentions. First up being: I just started the process of looking for a house to buy!” 

“I’ll go with kindness,” said Content Writer Adam Roberts. “I believe every interaction is improved by adding a little kindness. The weather sucks, the never-ending pandemic is still raging and people (including this guy) are fed up. Consciously trying to be a little nicer might help us all get through.”

And now with a big, kind smile, I’ll give the last word to Jon O’Connell, Director of Strategic Communications. Jon’s response to the prompt put him on a rocket ship to the final frontier.

“My word for the year is: space. I’m stoked about the JWST and its first images beaming back this year. I’m bummed that The Expanse, set mostly in space, is ending on Prime Video. Meanwhile, I’m shamelessly consuming all that content Disney+ is shoveling out about Boba Fett and the Mandalorian, which also are mostly set in space. A meteor exploded over Pittsburgh on New Years Day (true story, Google it). Not to mention my recent exposure to virtual reality and the metaverse, which has piqued my curiosity about the future of space and how we understand it when we can build real and consequential worlds all inside a pair of goggles.”

“That’s gotta be a sign that space is important this year, no?” said Jon, landing this rocketship with grace. “I want to stretch the space in my head and heart to be better at the things I do for the people who count on me.”

We hope you have a wonderful, safe and rewarding 2022. Feel free to apply our words to your plans for the year. And remember … stay Coal!

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