Northeastern Pennsylvania is home to some of the best musicians alive.

There’s a long list of them who’ve “made it,” and another list of hometown natives who continue to kill it globally— but fame isn’t the point.

What about NEPA’s strengths, abilities, and creative spirit?

Turn any corner, go into any of NEPA Scene’s open mic nights at Thirst T’s— and you’ll find talent.

Solid talent.

It was during an NEPA Scene open mic when Gerard Durling, founder of Coal Creative, stumbled upon Skip Monday.

Skip Monday, the work of Kaylin Karr, and Nathan Montella, is one of the newest bands adding their name to NEPA’s long list of great original music makers.

After seeing the band at the open mic, a search revealed their GoFundMe looking to raise $400 to get their EP “Wildfire” off the ground.

“I contacted them, and asked if Coal Creative could help pay for the EP,” Gerard explained. “It’s our way of helping local music,” he added.

The band agreed, took the GoFundMe down, and six months later “Wildfire” is officially ready.

On June 13th Skip Monday officially releases their EP “Wildfire” to the public, with a live performance, cover free, at The Woodlands— and the first drink is on Coal Creative’s tab!

The doors open at 7PM, in Evolution at The Woodlands, and the first 100 people through the door will get the “Wildfire” EP free.

Come celebrate the NEPA music scene with a free drink, and if you’re one of the first 100 people to attend— a free “Wildfire” EP too!

The Woodlands is located at 1073 Route 315
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702

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