Throughout 2017, we will be working with our interns to highlight 52 Creatives from the NEPA region. We believe creativity is a broad term that cannot be easily confined within the walls of one simple definition. We want to know what being creative means to you and how you bring that creativity to light.​

Tracy Wren is our second #NEPACreative of 2017. Tracy brings creativity to the area through life coaching moms with a hippie twist!

Tracy brings creativity to the area by life coaching moms who need guidance finding their life purpose through in-depth soul searching and getting them to think outside of the box. She started MyHippieLifeCoach to help other moms discover their life mission by bringing awareness to their natural born passions and talents.

“When I’m on the phone coaching with people I let them talk and I simply listen. They eventually give clues as to where their heart is. I will ask unique questions that they have probably never need asked before.”

Tracy has two coaching services available:

  1. Find your mission
  2. Live your mission

When asked what each of her services entail Tracy explained, “Find your mission is a straight in depth two hour soul searching call. We get right to finding their life purpose. I do this by asking questions, listening and following different passion/purpose maps. I also listen for clue words. The live your mission is where we meet for 12 weeks and develop a plan to fulfill their life mission or dream.”

Connect with Tracy:

If you or someone you know is an NEPA Creative, please let us know by commenting or send us an email at

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