23 Nov 2016

Twitter Profile Sizes | Social Media Tips

A few days ago we talked about the new cover photo sizes for your Facebook fan pages. Today I want to take some time to address a sizing issue that you might be experiencing on Twitter. And if you watch the video below thinking, something about this video looks unprofessional, it’s the exact reason why you may need to visit your Twitter profile and make some adjustments!

Twitter Profile Sizes for 2016

Previously, we discussed the sizes of Facebook cover photos within fanpages and event pages. Today, I want to discuss how to make your Twitter profile visually appealing but also sized properly.

Let’s just get an easy one out of the way, your Twitter profile photo – it’s the visual that people will see and interact with the most. For the best quality, you should upload your profile picture at 400 by 400px and it will display on your Twitter profile at 200 by 200.

A recent change that you may not have noticed is that Twitter changed the way photos appear in your actual tweets – also referred to as in-stream photos — making the photos fairly larger so it’s not necessary to leave the stream as often in order to see the entire image. These photos can now be sized at 1024 by 512.

As for your header photo, you might need to work on this a little bit but Twitter recommends you size it at 1500 by 500. As a tip, we recommend adding a padding of about 55px on the top and bottom of your header photo to avoid any of your content being cut off. That’s because Twitter’s platform is responsive to the size browser you’re using.

If you need help with figuring this out, we included visual guides on our Twitter header photo for you to check out. Be sure that you look at it from your mobile device and from your laptop or PC to get an example idea of how it changes.


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