Happy Monday! This week, the spotlight is on our business development intern, Barry Pawloski! Barry is a senior at Penn State Wilkes-Barre and is from West Wyoming, PA. His summer is jam packed, as he is an intern here at Coal Creative in addition to being a Deputy Director of Human Resources Intern at Lackawanna County. He also works at Bo Brothers as a manager, server, and cook.
He likes interning at Coal Creative, because he loves working with everyone there and being able to explore his creative side a little. Most of his work for this summer has been working on a SWOT analysis for the company, marketing, and coordinating our intern video project.
As a business administration major, his priority is helping people, and this shows in the activities he is involved in at school. He is the president of the Student Government Association at Penn State Wilkes-Barre, and this year will be his second term. He decided to take this position, because he says that students’ voices are the most powerful.

Barry has become an expert at time management, as he is also a Senator for the University Faculty Senate at University Park, which requires a lot of travel to and from State College during the school year. He was nominated for this position and he now represents 40,000 student voices across the Commonwealth in negotiations with the school’s administration.
Business became something he was interested in after he served as captain of his high school soccer team and discovered how much he loved being a leader. Wanting to take on leadership roles led him to business and the activities he is currently involved in. Before business, his goal was actually to go to culinary school. He loves to cook in his free time and loves seeing people enjoy his food. When he isn’t working or serving his student body, he also likes to hangout with his friends and family or play soccer and basketball.

Barry’s friends tell him he could be president someday, which is his ultimate dream job. One word he uses to describe himself is “determined” so maybe we will be electing him into office someday! Another dream job of his would be one where he gets to travel and recruit for a company. Ultimately, Barry wants to do good for people in whatever field he goes into. He always says, “Do something good for someone whether it is today or tomorrow.”
Vote for Barry in 2032! Stay Coal!
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