Keeping Up with the Coal Crew (KUWTCC) December | Coal Creative

Coal Creative’s 2022 Highlight Reel

Starbucks cups are red, Mariah Carey has returned to the airwaves and mini marshmallows are flying off the shelves. The holiday season is in full swing. 

The Coal Crew has a lot to celebrate. Our team created countless memories this year, and our highlight reel is bursting at the seams with laughs, joy and big wins. 

This month, we asked our team to share their favorite Coal memories of 2022. And, while everyone contributed a unique flashback to this year’s clip show, each one showcases the overall theme of the year: unbridled, undeniable awesomeness.


Soaking Up the Limelight

For the last few years, Coal Creative has worked hard to innovate in the digital marketing world. We received two exciting awards this year, and the Crew is touched to have been recognized by our community. 

“My favorite Coal memory is attending the GWVCC Annual Dinner together as a team and accepting our award together!” says Camaryn, our Managing Director. 

It was incredible to be recognized as the Emerging Business of the Year by the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce. And, simply put, we couldn’t have done it without everyone on the Crew. “The award stands for years of hard work and dedication from all of us,” says Holly, our CEO. 

But, one particularly outstanding member of the Crew was also recognized this year. Our very own Samantha Butcher was named STEAM Professional of the Year—a moment that both Jesse, our Campaign Manager, and Samuel, our Chief Creative Officer, treasure as their favorite moment of 2022. 

Samuel says, “Even though Samantha wasn’t there to accept it, we felt such pride as a team; it felt like we were all winning because we get to work with her every day.” Jesse (who gracefully accepted Samantha’s award on her behalf) recalls that “The weather was beautiful, the venue was great and that event is always a good time! Not too shabby, if you ask me.”


Getting the Band Back Together

There’s another reason why accepting the Emerging Business of the Year Award was Holly’s favorite moment: “We were all together again. Under one roof. In the same place. I cherish all of those moments. We create a lot of magic daily in our new hybrid model, but there’s a special magic when we’re present and sharing physical space that just cannot be replicated for me.” 

Award ceremonies gave us two excellent opportunities to get together in person this year, and we really savor that time together. Take it from Mia, our Design Specialist: “My favorite Coal memory from this year is the Young Professionals Awards! It was my first time going to an event with the Coal Crew and meeting everyone outside of work.” 

Our Crew simply loves working together, and we cherish the few opportunities we have to occupy the same physical space. Case in point: our Team Building Day was the most popular 2022 memory. 

Both Travis and Will (our Web Developer and Post-Production Manager, respectively) noted the sheer hilarity of our third annual improv lesson. “I was sore from laughing for days after,” recalls Will. 

“My favorite Coal memory every year is Team Building Day, and this year is no exception,” says Matt, our Lead Web Developer & Lead Designer. “We played a game of kickball at Kirby Park this year, and it was a blast. I’ll never forget the sight of Junk Jeremy charging through those bases.” 

Jeremy (our Operations Director) even starred in some commemorative imagery, courtesy of Samuel O’Connell our Chief Creative Officer:

Junk Jeremy Strikes Again

Sam’s creativity and Jeremy’s kickball prowess know no bounds. 


Channeling Creativity (and Chaos)

The Crew also looks back fondly on some of our most creative moments from 2022. 

One festive challenge was the highlight of Content Director Samantha’s year: “Every day at Coal, there are so many moments that make me happy to be a part of the team. A great example is when Holly sent us craft supplies for Thanksgiving. At our team Zoom meeting, we all had 15 minutes to make a hand turkey.” 

But, it wouldn’t have been a Coal get-together without a dose of insanity. Alex, our Production Manager, recalls the hand turkey competition as “a perfect demonstration of everyone’s creativity and personalities—and it was absolutely hilarious to see the chaos of it all.”

Of course, any creativity retrospective would be incomplete without a glance back at 2022’s most opportune holiday. “I think my favorite memory this year with the Coal Crew is when we held our Halloween Zoom meeting!” says Jay, our Video Production Coordinator. “Everyone was so creative and went all out in our Disney-themed costumes!”

If there’s one thing you should know about the Coal Crew, it’s that we’ll never skip a chance to show off our creativity—a rule we happily obeyed in 2022. 


Happy Holidays from the Coal Crew

Whether you’re celebrating with family, devoting time off to personal creative projects or making a holiday retrospective of your own, we wish you a relaxing and joyful season. 

Happy holidays from everyone at Coal Creative!

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