Throughout 2017, we are working with our interns to highlight 52 Creatives from the NEPA region. We believe creativity is a broad term that cannot be easily confined within the walls of one simple definition. We want to know what being creative means to you and how you bring that creativity to light.​

Lucia Piccolino is our 49th #NEPACreative of 2017. Lucia brings creativity to the area through the creation of the WB Night Out app!

When people talk down about NEPA, one of the main complaints they use is “there’s nothing to do here!” Lucia Piccolino was tired of hearing this and set out to do something about it. In 2009, Lucia started WBSNIGHTOUT. WBSNIGHTOUT is the local franchise to My Night Out, based out in Michigan. Lucia says that she wanted NEPA to have a “fresh” outlet of information. “Everywhere else you go the information is stale dated by Monday, so you have to wait until it comes out again,” Lucia says, “We are different in that people are coming to us to spend money at the local establishments, so we are here so that the local consumer can find the burger night, wing nights and happy hours.”

Outside of working on WBNIGHTOUT, Lucia enjoys traveling, and has visited may countries outside of the US. Her biggest inspirations are her boyfriend, Glynn, who pushes her to do well every day, and Joan Jett. “She does what she wants,” Lucia commented. As far as some of her favorite things to do on a night out in Wilkes-Barre, Lucia enjoys the local band scene. To her, being creative means taking risks, ignoring doubt and facing fears.

To learn more about WBNIGHTOUT, check out the Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, or you can send direct questions through e-mail!

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