You’re supposed to visit the doctor for a yearly checkup, go to the dentist every 6 months, and get your car inspected before it expires. These are just some of the tasks we have to do in our lives to keep things running smoothly. Scheduling a review of your social media presence is no exception.

Perform Social Media Audit of your Business

Today, we’re going to talk about the importance of performing a simple social media audit.

We know that maintaining a social media presence can feel like a full time job which is why we want to stress the importance of setting aside some time to review and update your brand presence across the social media platforms you’re currently using.

To get yourself started, make a list of the platforms you’re on: are you using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+?

As you go through this list, you most likely know offhand which platforms you’ve updated most recently – let’s say you updated your Facebook just last week, but haven’t even logged into your Google+ account in months, so use Facebook as your starting point for updating Google+ and any other platforms that might be outdated.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • Is your message updated and consistent?
  • Do your backgrounds and other images follow the same theme?
  • Are all URLs uniform?

If you’re not exactly sure where to start, Google Analytics might help you with understanding where you need some improvement or where to spend some time to help increase traffic from your social media platforms to your website.

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