Wow, Day 30. Today we’re going to talk about the importance of keeping track of what you do for your business on social media, the results, when to do it, how to do it and why to do it.

Why you need to track Results on Social Media

Over the last 29-days, we’ve given you social media tips and tricks that we personally use for ourselves and for clients. Today, as our final tip, we want to talk about results and how important it is to make sure you’re evaluating what works and what doesn’t.

Let’s start off with the obvious, it might not make sense for your company to push out 30-days worth of videos, believe me, I totally understand. But it is important for you to make time to take a look at what your company is doing on social media, where you’re at, what you did and how you can further improve on your content and your reach.

If your answer is that you don’t have 1-hour every month to do that, let me throw this hypothetical at you…

Let’s say you were offered free radio advertising for a year, or a free billboard ad every month… first of all, you probably wouldn’t be able to do the ad yourself but you’d also want to track your results every month to fine tune what you’re putting out to the public.

What if I told you that that opportunity is available to you every day, right here where you’re watching this video?

I want to thank you for watching over the last 30-days, special thanks to Tim Gilette and Valerie Deneen for challenging us at NEPA Blogcon to make videos for 30-days — we hope that everyone who watched these videos were able to pick up something new to try out on social media and if you need any help improving your online presence, that’s what we do. Feel free to reach out at any time and stay tuned because we plan to release a complete overview of what we learned from doing 30 days of social media tips and tricks.

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