Welcome to another spotlight blog post! We’d like to feature a new member of the team, Nick! He is an Audio/Visual Technician for the NEPA Scene podcast held every Wednesday in the Coal Creative space.

He is currently a Communication Studies Major at Wilkes University with a triple concentration in Broadcast Production, Multimedia Journalism, and Strategic Communication and is living in West Wyoming, PA. He is originally from New Jersey where he was going to be a carpenter until he realized it was not something he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Once he decided he wanted to take a new path, he decided to finish the degree he started after graduating high school in 2008.

As the Audio/Visual Technician for the NEPA Scene podcast, Nick monitors the show to make sure the cameras and microphones are working properly to provide the best experience possible for viewers. Aside from attending school and helping out with the podcast, he is an intern in Pepperjam’s services department, the PR/Marketing E Staff member for WCLH 90.7 FM, and this year’s Editing Manager for Wilkes’ newspaper, The Beacon.

This past Spring semester, with the radio manager and another e-staff member, Nick produced his first audio book for Etruscan Press, and this fall he will be working on his second one.

He is a huge audio fan; he loves audio books and podcasts, and he frequently listens to ted talks and other speeches as well. He says that he loves to listen to people talk as much as he loves talking himself.

Nick’s diverse interests give him a lot of opportunities for the future. He says he wants to go into audio and visual broadcasting, but he does not want to have just one job. He hopes to be able to do a lot of different things. As a self-proclaimed nerd, his absolute dream job would be to do anything for Marvel or DC Comics, as he is currently an editor at ComicBookRumors.com and would love to take that further someday. Another path he would like to take would be to go on tour and talk to people about anything.

Look out for Nick’s behind the scenes work during the NEPA Scene podcasts every Wednesday at 7 p.m. and don’t forget to stay coal!


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