It’s Award Season! No, I’m not talking about the Emmys or the Tonys. We won a Stevie Award and the Young Professionals Awards was the absolute best time you can have while surrounded by honking cars. We also had a chance to see so many great people out and about in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Let’s get right into it. It’s been quite a month.
Coal Creative’s Holly K. Pilcavage wins Stevie Award

The world’s biggest congratulations to Coal Creative President and CEO Holly K. Pilcavage on earning a Silver Stevie Award at the 18th Annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business. She received the “Maverick of the Year” award, which aside from being the best named award, recognizes “female individuals who have affected positive change in their companies and/or industries.” Holly’s nomination for the award noted her commitment to the Rainbow Alliance, Dress for Success Luzerne County and NEPA Creative.
The judges commended Holly for her, “unwavering commitment to service and activism, driven by a desire to make her community better.” That about sums it up, judges. We totally agree! Thanks for always striving to make things better, Holly. Congratulations!
As she is always quick to do, Holly shared the honor with the Coal Creative team.
“We continue to create something so incredible here and I cannot thank you enough,” Holly told the Coal Crew. “I don’t do any of it alone and I see this recognition as a win for us all.”
With that said, thank you for my — I mean our — Stevie Award!
Jon O’Connell Joins Coal as Director of Strategic Communications

We’re overjoyed to announce Jon O’Connell as our Director of Strategic Communications. Jon has been working hard behind the scenes for more than a year. Jon develops earned media strategies and deploys multichannel content plans for our collaborators. He’s also a musician, father and transplant Yinzer. Keep an eye out for him at Pittsburgh-area networking events.
“At Coal Creative, Jon brings a tremendous focus on detail to everything he does,” said Creative Director Sam O’Connell (yes, relation). “As a veteran journalist, his focus on discovering the truth while making an audience feel something, transitioned seamlessly into the field of marketing.”
Sam calls his older brother his longest collaborator, going all the way to the crib.
“Jon recently referenced a childhood experience of drawing grand battle scenes — no doubt inspired by Narnia or Lord of the Rings. I would draw with a flurry and sketchy style the scope and size of what this epic battle was. From that sketch he would go in and add the details to all of the characters. This collaborative method has not changed, but adapted to the various endeavors throughout our lives.”
Learn more about Jon’s background and his work at Coal, here.
Young Professionals Awards Highlight Community

The Wyoming Valley Chamber Young Professionals Awards was equal parts tailgate party and swanky night out. As the sun set over the Garden Drive-in, an impressive turnout emerged from cars and mingled in front of the well-appointed stage and movie screen. The screen would soon be alight with videos and graphics made by presenting sponsor Coal Creative.
Young Professionals Chair and Coal CEO Holly K. Pilcavage and Vice Chair Anthony Melf shared hosting duties. In coordinated red outfits, the pair piloted the show through a who’s who of community personalities and grateful winners.
One of those presenters was our Creative Director Sam O’Connell, who announced the Hero of the Year Awards. See the full list of winners here.
The last award of the night was the Inspiration Award, which was given to Ahmad Ali, Director of Membership and Community Engagement at the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce and Christine Meluskey, CFRE, Director of Development and Marketing at the Wyoming Valley Children’s Association (WVCA). Ahmad and Christine were recognized for the creation of #570Day. The social media celebration of the 570 region was launched on May, 7 2021 with promising results. Here is the video highlighting their work.
The YP Awards marked the end of Holly’s time as Chair. Holly was commended for her two year’s at the helm with the Young Professionals Leadership Award. Anthony will be Chair next year. Incoming Vice Chair Rachael Stark was introduced on stage at the ceremony.
“It has been an absolute privilege and honor to work alongside Anthony the last two years as Chair and Vice Chair. Hosting with him was an added bonus,” Holly said. “We were handed a wonky two years given the timing of the pandemic and I am so proud of how engaged we’ve kept our existing network and council, and how much it’s grown too!”
Scranton Chamber Celebrates Industry Career Camp

Congratulations to the middle and high school students, who recently completed the Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce’s Industry Career Camp. The free summer program — presented by Skills in Scranton — introduced participants to the many industries that thrive here in NEPA. Creative Director Sam O’Connell and Production Manager Alex Manganella attended the closing session on September 15.
Leadership Wilkes-Barre Class Bonds During First Sessions
The Leadership Wilkes-Barre 2021-2022 program kicked off with its two-day opening event in early September. Camaryn Lokuta, our Operations & Business Development Manager, is a proud member of the class.
Day One featured a history lesson and walking tour of Wilkes-Barre, interspersed with ice-breakers and team building.
“The second day was all about learning your leadership style and how to interact with other leadership styles,” Camaryn explained. “I LOVED this lesson — it was so informative and I will definitely carry it with me for my entire career.”
Before they were dismissed for the month, the class was split into project groups. Camaryn left impressed with the quick transition from strangers to friends.
“Everyone broke down their walls and really opened up to each other, it was truly beautiful,” said Camaryn. “It makes me so excited to see what is in store!”
NEPA Alliance Hosts Networking Reception

Camaryn represented Coal Creative at the NEPA Alliance Networking Reception on September 16. The event brought business folks from around the area to Kalahari Resort in Pocono Manor.
NEPA Creative Meetup: Underwater Photography and Flower Arrangements

The monthly NEPA Creative Meetup was yet another example of the vastness of our creative community. The session opened with mason jar flower arrangements, provided by Patchwork Planting. Once the beautiful bouquets were set aside, photographer Amy Bezek threw the attendees into the deep end, so to speak. The owner of Amy Bezek Photography gave a great presentation about underwater photography.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by Kirby Park. NEPA Creative will be back in the same pavilion on Tuesday, October 19th at 6PM.
Coal Creative Volunteers for United Way Day of Caring

The Coal Crew donned a rainbow array of “Live United ” t-shirts and gardening gloves for the United Way of Wyoming Valley’s annual Day of Caring. We joined scores of volunteers who were dispatched all over Wilkes-Barre to tackle various beautification projects. The Coal Crew and several other groups climbed into the flower beds along River Street for some much-needed weeding. I came to appreciate the occasional horn blast of thanks from passing motorists. Though the first time, it was a bit unsettling to be honked at while stooped in the bushes, yanking roots and avoiding pokey stuff (is that the horticulture term?).
Among the hearty weed-decimators was Samantha Bucher, Coal’s Content Manager & Design Specialist. Samantha usually works from her Royersford, PA home, but made the two-hour trek from the Philadelphia suburbs to the Wilkes-Barre riverfront.
“To me, Day of Caring is a way to directly impact the community. While I don’t live in the Wyoming Valley anymore, it’s the area I work in, where some of my friends live, and where many of our collaborators are growing their businesses in,” Samantha, a King’s College graduate explained. “It’s the place I went to school, where I discovered my passions, and where I met my partner. It will always hold a special place in my heart. If there’s any chance I can show up and make a difference there, I’ll take it – no matter the drive.”
An Evening in CASAblanca Helps Foster Kids

An Evening in CASAblanca, the annual fundraiser for CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of Luzerne County, drew more than 200 people to The Banks in Pittston on September 23. The elegant evening, which was attended by Holly K. Pilcavage, CEO, and Sam O’Connell, Creative Director, benefits the organization’s mission to be a voice for abused and neglected kids in Luzerne County.
Coal Crew Represents Rainbow Alliance at Multicultural Parade

Three members of the Coal Crew, who double as directors for the Rainbow Alliance, walked in the City of Wilkes-Barre’s 4th Annual Multicultural Parade on September 25. Coal Creative CEO Holly K. Pilcavage, Creative Director Sam O’Connell and Social Media Specialist Jesse Macko were joined by Rainbow Alliance Chair Anthony Melf and fellow board of directors member Arthur Breese. The parade and festival were beautiful reminders of the diversity and culture of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
The Great Gaytsby
Saturday, September 25 was a full day for Holly, Sam and Jesse, who swapped their daytime rainbow garb for 1920’s evening wear. The trio plus Production Manager Alex Manganella danced the night away at the 2nd Annual NEPA Pride Project Gayla. The well-attended Great Gaytsby party benefited the NEPA Pride Project’s Scholarship Program and their mission to celebrate, educate and demonstrate the power of local arts.
It’s always an honor for us to be part of community events. Thanks for reading and always remember to stay Coal!
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