30 Dec 2021
A letter from Coal Creative CEO Holly K. Pilcavage

A Letter From Coal Creative CEO Holly K. Pilcavage

Wow, what a year. For those familiar with our monthly Wow! What a Month blog series curated by our incredible content writer, Adam Roberts, you know this statement to be wildly true. Our team grew, the scope and quality of our services increased and we were busier than ever. It was another year of uncertainty layered in hope, perseverance, and creativity, to say the least. 

I want to sincerely express my gratitude to my team, our collaborators, our partners, and our communities. It is because each of you chooses Coal, in your own way, that we are able to continue doing what we love every day.

At the beginning of the year, after months of deliberation, conversation, and ultimately consensus, we solidified and unveiled our official mission and vision statements.

Our Mission states that every day, we set out to tell stories that matter to you and your audience. Our Vision is a simple, yet powerful statement: We are authentic. human. storytellers.

I could not be more proud to be surrounded by a team that lives and breathes our mission and vision each and every day. 

On its surface, Coal Creative is a marketing company — a creative agency born and raised on the sidelines of the historic Public Square in Downtown Wilkes-Barre. But it was through the craft of advertising that we discovered our potential to strengthen our community, which became unspeakably important this past year.

We have always felt called to support our community in many ways. From highlighting Northeastern Pennsylvania-based creatives each week to partnering with firms, organizations and individuals to boost business during the pandemic, we have responded to the call. We pivoted, like so many others, and continued to learn more about ourselves and our company along the way. 

In 2021, we developed relationships and created award-winning content, all while navigating our new hybrid world. Our team spans across the state of Pennsylvania, challenging us in all the best ways possible. It’s a funny thing to say that your team feels closer than ever, when this is the furthest we have ever been from one another. This speaks to our true collaborative spirit, our ability to successfully overcome challenges, and our understanding of the importance of supporting one another on a very human level. 

I am personally looking forward to all that 2022 has to offer and I invite you to join me in being open to all that is to come in the new year. We will continue to learn, grow, and evolve — together. 


Stay coal,

Holly K. Pilcavage


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