You don’t always need to be writing posts in order to talk to your audience. Today, we’re going to talk about a way you can improve your Social Media reach in a way that could actually take less effort than writing posts.

How you can use Facebook Live Video

Today we’re going to talk about how you can get involved with live video on various types of social networks. Now, in the last couple of months, it’s been somewhat hard to ignore that Facebook has been paying heavy attention to and rewarding Facebook fan pages that stream live video. That’s because Facebook is actively working its way towards becoming the new leader in video content over YouTube. In order to do that, they’re really making an effort to encourage you to use that feature.

We have even started to adopt live video into our marketing with our recent Entrepreneurship series held in our studio as well as helping to stream live events for our friends at CHIKARA in Philadelphia.

So, how do you take advantage of it?

Well, if you have a blog, consider answering comments live on video or you can give a quick tour of your office space introducing some members of your team. If you’re having an event in the next couple of weeks, take your fans live on location and remind them why they should stop by. You can also host your own Q&A allowing your customers and fans to interact with you..

Its as easy as picking up your iPhone or Android device with the Facebook app for it to work.

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