Throughout 2017, we will be working with our interns to highlight 52 Creatives from the NEPA region. We believe creativity is a broad term that cannot be easily confined within the walls of one simple definition. We want to know what being creative means to you and how you bring that creativity to light.​

Kathryn Bondi is our fourth #NEPACreative of 2017. Kathryn brings creativity to the area through graphic design and community events!

*All website work was from Posture Interactive.

Kathryn also shared the following with us, “Whether big or small, I always get this little emotional “boost” each time I finish a project, feeling like I’ve somehow made the world at least a little better by solving a creative problem. The problem could be a new company is lacking a website, or an existing company has an outdated logo, or a nonprofit needs an affordable way to get their image out into the community and fulfill their mission. Each time I solve problems like these with design, I feel like I’ve helped make our area a better place to live and do business.”

Connect with Kathryn and AAF:

If you or someone you know is an NEPA Creative, please let us know by commenting or send us an email at

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