You don’t just go to the gym without a plan, do you? If you want results, you layout a plan of action and stick to it. So, why would you treat your social media any differently?

Create a Marketing Calendar to Organize your Social Media

Today’s tip is focused on the importance of using a social media calendar.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re posting to all of your social media accounts every single day.

Well, previously we talked about tools like Hootsuite and Buffer that help with scheduling posts and now we want to talk about how you apply them with another effective tool. When creating your social media marketing calendar, keep these kinds of questions in mind:

  • What day is it?
  • What time is it?
  • Who are you talking to?
  • Are you selling too much?

As you’re creating social media content ahead of time, be sure to mix it up as well.

Ask questions and create posts that are shareable. Think about what upcoming sales, events, or promotions you might have and lay these things out within your social media calendar.

Now you might be wondering “well, what do I use to create this calendar” and honestly, you can use a sheet of paper or a Google calendar you share with your team or even the calendar within tools like Hootsuite.

Whatever works best for you and your team in a visually organized way will get the job done.


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