Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, they’re all different and you might be shocked to learn that the average lifespan of a tweet last less than 18-minutes. So how in the hell do you keep up with that?

Tweet more often!

Today, we’re going to talk about how you can make the most of your marketing efforts on Twitter through Content Blogging. Yes, content blogging is something that we’ve touched on in a previous tip, but I’m bringing it back up for today’s tip because it’s just that important.

It gives you something to talk about, and sometimes it takes more than just one tweet to get people interested.

Remember, the average tweet lasts less than 18-minutes on Twitter.

Now, take a read through what you’ve written and think about all of the different ways you can pitch that article in 140 characters or less. You should easily be able to come up with 5, maybe 10 ways you can link to your article on Twitter.

  • Share the article’s topic
  • Find key points in the article worth mentioning
  • You can even find a quote that you like and tag the author’s Twitter in it.

You have to remember that not everyone is online at the same time, not everyone lives in the same time zone and everyone has a different number of followers competing for their attention.

Just make sure you don’t make the mistake of having the same social media strategy on every social network you use.

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