The Coal Crew is full speed ahead with 2022. But before we get too far, let’s take a minute to recap the last month of 2021.
Sam O’Connell Makes 20 Under Forty List
Congratulations to Sam O’Connell, our Creative Director, on being named one of the 20 Under Forty by Northeast Pennsylvania Business Journal. Sam earned the well-deserved recognition as a creative jack of all trades. We’re so proud of Sam for making this prestigious local list.
Samantha Bucher Tapped as Content Director
In December, Samantha Bucher was promoted to Content Director for Coal Creative. Samantha joined Coal as an intern and most recently held the title of Content Manager & Design Specialist. Samantha is a creative force and organization whiz. In her new role, she oversees our content team and strategy.
Coal Creative Named Best Place to Work!

For the second year in a row, Coal Creative was a Platinum Winner in the Times Leader Best Places to Work competition. We know that Coal Creative is a great place to work. It’s just nice to see it in print! Thanks to everyone who voted for us and to the Times Leader for holding the annual contest.
Bench Project Newsletter
Our collaborators at The Bench Project launched in 2021. In November, went live. In December, we collaborated on the first edition of their monthly newsletter: Bench Notes.
Bench Notes will keep you up-to-date on all things related to The Bench Project like the newest benches around the country. It’s a monthly correspondence from your friends at The Bench Project. Bench Notes also has opportunities to share your thoughts. Sign up today.
Masked Wrestler Filming
Earlier this month, the video team including Alex Manganella, Will McHale and Jay Nguyen, filmed season 2 of the very successful Masked Wrestler show. The crew is sworn to secrecy, so what they saw over two days in New Jersey is as under wraps as the identities of the masked wrestlers. When the show does air on, we’ll share the finished product.
Leadership Northeast Update
Leadership Northeast had its monthly core program session on December 2. Operations & Business Development Camaryn Lokuta, shared her favorite part of the Collaboration/Arts & Recreation Program.
“My favorite part by far was the session we did with Leigh Pawling. She is an incredible local artist!” Camaryn began. “She made a large picture and cut it up into little squares, we then all painted our own square. The catch was we had no idea what the picture was so we just had to paint based on intuition. She then put all of our little squares back together — it was really awesome!”
The finished picture was of summer sun shining through the woods. The intuitive interpretations led to a unique and cool painting.
Young Professionals Council Hosts Ugly Sweater Party

The ELEVATE Young Professionals Council put everyone in the holiday spirit with its Ugly Christmas Sweater Holiday Party at Rodano’s on December 8. Aside from being good old fashioned fun, the evening was a fundraiser for Valley Santa, which strives to ensure every kid in Luzerne County receives a toy for Christmas.
Coal Creative proudly sponsored the ugly sweater contest. Thanks to everyone who put on their holiday best — or worst — for a good cause. The festive evening was attended by our CEO Holly K. Pilcavage and Creative Director Sam O’Connell.
In case you’re wondering, Holly was a wreath.
Pittsburgh Celebrates Jingle Fest

Our team got to spread even more Christmas cheer at the Pittsburgh Airport Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual Jingle Fest on December 10. Coal’s Director of Strategic Communications Jon O’Connell and Project Manager Jeremy Brown represented the team and manned our table. Thanks to all the attendees who stopped by to chat.
Coal Creative Learns the Platinum Rule

Jess Cronauer from Leadership Northeast led an eye-opening program for the Coal Crew on December 17. Jess joined our year-end meeting to present “The Platinum Rule,” an assessment that determines each team member’s behavioral profile. By understanding everyone’s work style and personality type, teams learn to better interact with each other. The exercise fostered great connections and discussion.
A Very Merry Coal Christmas & Fire Awards

Before taking some time off for the holidays, the Coal Crew fired up Zoom one last time in 2021 for a Very Merry Coal Virtual Gathering. CEO Holly K. Pilcavage and Creative Director Sam O’Connell hosted the first-ever Fire Awards. The light-hearted ceremony doled out superlatives to each member of the team.
I won “Most Likely to Match Hat with Pants,” and honestly, I’ve never been so honored.
Looking Back, Looking Forward
We rounded out 2021 the way many do, by looking back at the year that was. We created a Year in Review that synthesised 12 months of Wow! What a Month into an historical snapshot of 2021. Coal Creative CEO Holly K. Pilcavage reflected further in her Letter from the CEO blog. Holly captured the hope that we’re heading into the new year with.
Our wish for 2022 is for your path to be onward and upward. And may you always remember to stay… Coal. You know we will!
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