Create a Marketing Calendar | Social Media Tips

You don’t just go to the gym without a plan, do you? If you want results, you layout a plan of action and stick to it. So, why would you treat your social media any differently? Create a Marketing Calendar … Read More

Fear of Missing Out | Social Media Tips

Today only – I’m going to share with you the biggest secret about social media yet. We’re really not supposed to talk about it, but if you… It’s the Fear of Missing Out on Social Media At the beginning of … Read More

Tweet More Often | Social Media Tips

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, they’re all different and you might be shocked to learn that the average lifespan of a tweet last less than 18-minutes. So how in the hell do you keep up with that? Tweet more often! Today, we’re … Read More

Retain Website Leads | Social Media Tips

Have you ever visited a website and had this happen to you? If you’re building a new Facebook fan page for your business or trying to increase your customer reach, this is a tip that you might find annoying but … Read More

Facebook & LinkedIn Groups | Social Media Tips

Have you ever gotten that random notification that someone has sent you a request to join a Facebook group? Well… today we’re going to tell you why you might want to take a moment to see what those groups are … Read More

How to use Live Video | Social Media Tips

You don’t always need to be writing posts in order to talk to your audience. Today, we’re going to talk about a way you can improve your Social Media reach in a way that could actually take less effort than … Read More

Tag & Give Credit | Social Media Tips

Social Media isn’t always about you or your brand. Sometimes it’s about giving credit to other people or businesses that helped your business get to where it is. Today, we’re going to talk about the importance of cross-promotion. Remember to … Read More

Timing your Content Delivery | Social Media Tips

Knowing who your Audience is, is incredibly important Knowing if they’re male or female, their age range, location, interests – just to name a few, these are all important things to know when you’re creating a social media strategy. But … Read More

Daily Trending Topics | Social Media Tips

It’s possible that some days, you just can’t think of what to write and that’s okay. Today I’m going to introduce you to hashtags that you can utilize for inspiration for every day of the week. Using Daily Trending Topics … Read More

Stop starting Tweets with a Period | Social Media Tips

If you’re a user on Twitter, you might have noticed that people are putting a period before addressing a Twitter user. Today we’re going to talk to you about why you don’t need to do that anymore. Stop starting Tweets … Read More